朝日本生、25歳、フルタイムの家政婦として生計を立てています。彼女の人生の目的は、すべてを元通りにすることであり、彼女の新しい職場は予想外の場所にある... それは一つの屋根の下でのロマンチックなサバイバル物語の始まりです。 コミック漫画: Panel 1:Asahi stands in front of a large, mysterious building, looking determined. She mutters to herself, "This is it... my new workplace." Panel 2:Asahi enters the building and is greeted by a messy room with clothes and books scattered everywhere. She gasps in shock. Panel 3:Asahi rolls up her sleeves and gets to work, scrubbing floors and picking up clutter. She is focused and determined to restore order. Panel 4:Asahi takes a break and looks out the window, where she sees a man walking towards the building. She blushes slightly as she watches him approach. Panel 5:The man introduces himself as Taiga, the owner of the building. Asahi's heart skips a beat as she realizes she will be working under the same roof as him. Panel 6:Asahi and Taiga work together to clean and organize the building, forming a bond as they navigate the challenges of living and working together. Their journey of romantic survival has only just begun.