坂本恵は、勉強も夢も諦め、つまらない高校生活を終えることにした。しかし、卒業式の日に、元カノで今や有名なミュージシャンの仁藤千香が消息不明になったというニュースが報道された!タイムリープから始まり、これは若さをやり直す愛の物語である。 Panel 1:Meguri is seen sitting at his desk, looking bored with a pile of textbooks in front of him. Meguri: "I guess this is it... Goodbye high school." Panel 2:A breaking news report is shown on the TV, with a picture of Chika Nito. News Report: "Famous musician Chika Nito reported missing, last seen at high school graduation ceremony." Panel 3:Meguri is shocked as he looks at a photo of him and Chika from their high school days. Meguri: "Ch-Chika...?!" Panel 4:Suddenly, a bright light surrounds Meguri as he is transported back in time to his high school graduation day. Meguri: "I have to find her and redo everything!"